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发布时间:2020-12-16 03:27:43

A. 国外客户原联系人来邮件说要离职,工作已转其它人,我该如何回复








B. 回复客人说要迟点才可以确切答复他怎么写外贸英语

我想英语不是一朝一夕就能学好的,要靠自己平时的多说多练来积回累的。找英语学习答中心也是可以啦,可以去我目前上.好.的英语学习中心去看看 ABC天卞英语这家还不错 1对1外教辅导真的有明显效果~1)基本的外贸流程考察,一般是出口流程)基本的外贸函电考核,外贸流程中的某个环节,如索赔,PAYMENT等)基本的业务知识,如介计算等)对新业务开展的看法,如果快速的找到有意象的新客户等

C. 外贸收到客户邮件不方便马上回复,应该怎么说


D. 外贸客户说价格高了如何回复(要英文范文或者句子)。谢谢

I'm rather surprised to hear you say that, Mrs. Perless. You know the price of black tea has gone up since last year. Ours compares favorably with what you might get elsewhere. 佩利丝女士.你这么说我很吃惊.你知道从去年以来红茶价格已经上涨.我们的价格比起你从别处可以买到的价格是较为优惠的.
Ah, but everybody in the tea trade knows that US's black tea is of top quality. Considering the quality, I should say the price is reasonable. 不过.茶叶商人都知道美国红茶质量好.结合质量考虑.我认为这个价格很合理.
So far our commodities have stood the competition well. The very fact that other clients keep on buying speaks for itself. Few other teas can compare with ours either for flavor or color. 目前为止.我们的商品都是经得起竞争的.其他客户不断地向我们购买就证明了这一点.在香味或色泽方面.其他品牌的红茶很难与我们的红茶媲美.
To be frank with you, if it weren't for our good relations, we wouldn't consider making you a firm offer at this price. 坦率地说.如果不是为了我们之间的友好关系.我们本来不会考虑以这个价格报实盘的.
Well, to get the business done, we can consider making some concessions in our price. But first, you'll have to give me an idea of the quantity you wish to order from us, so that we may adjust our prices accordingly. 好吧.为了成交.我们可以考虑作些让步.不过要请你先说明大概要订购多少.以便我们对价格作相应的调整.
But you must take the quality into consideration. Everyone in the trade knows that China's bristles are of superior quality to those from other countries. B: 但是你方必须考虑到质量的问题。同业中人人皆知中国猪鬃质地优于其它国家的供货。
I can assure you that our price is the most favorable. A trial will convince you of my words. 我向你保证,我们的价格是最优惠的,试一试你就知道了
I hope you'll give a second thought to it. 希望你再考虑考虑


E. 您是在形式发票(P/I)有效期的最后一天付款的 ,用英文怎么说 外贸中给客户回信是遇到的麻烦,

You didi the payment on the deadline of P/I.

F. 外贸英语:我们没有客户要的东西,应该怎样回复


Dear Sirs,
In response to your letter of 27th Dec enquiring for proct A, we are afraid to inform you that we haven't had the proct you are asking for.However, there are some other procts we can offer which are similar to proct A and can also meet your demand. Attached there are our procts' details. If you find any of the items interesting, please let us know as soon as possible. We shall be glad to send you quotations and samples upon receipt of your concrete enquires.
Looking forward to your early reply.

Best wishes,
yours faithfully,



G. 给很久没联系的客户怎么写问候信 英文

Dear Customer,
Long time no contact, how have you been? We have new collections in our company this year, very top design and top quality, you can find attched the latest catalogue and see more details.
Thank you again for you long-term support. Much appreciate.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,
给很久没联系的客户怎么写问候信 英文
How to write a gretting letter to the customer who hasn't been contacted for a long time.

H. 在外贸英语中,当客户对你提供的样品满意时,邮件中该如何回复

"ALL ACCESSORIES RECEIVED ARE OK" 这个回答很中性,既没有说很好,也没有说不好。你不妨用以下再问一下:内
Thank you for your feedback. Please kindly let us know if you need any more information? We will be very happy to respond any questions here for you.

I. 给很久没联系的客户怎么写问候信 (英文)

Dear Customer,
Long time no contact, how have you been? We have new collections in our company this year, very top design and top quality, you can find attched the latest catalogue and see more details.
Thank you again for you long-term support. Much appreciate.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,
给很久没联系的客户怎么写问候信 英文
How to write a gretting letter to the customer who hasn't been contacted for a long time.

J. 作为外贸业务员,客户觉得公司的最小订货量对于他们来说太大,这样的邮件用英文怎么回复啊




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