導航:首頁 > 廢水污水 > 工業排放廢水用英語怎麼說


發布時間:2022-03-28 23:46:31

① 我們必須採取有效措施制止這家工廠排放廢水用英語怎麼說謝謝

We must take effective action to stop this factory from discharging their waste water.

② 工業生產排放的廢氣英文

"Instrial wastes" is the general term of "waste water,waste resie ,waste gas".prosed ring the instrial proction.The discharge rate of the instrial wastes is the main index of the low-carbon circumstance of an enterprise.The wastes' discharge rate=the total wastes/the total materials.

③ 工業廢水處理率的英文怎麼說

Treatment rate of instrial waste water
treatment rate of
treatment rate of instrial effluents
treatment rate of instrial wastewaters
As the rate of municipal wastewater treatment going up in our country, the amount of sludge proced in the treatment process increase a lot.

④ "工廠每天排放大量的污水導致河流變臭"用英語怎麼說

Water has begun to smell because factories
mped pollutants into rivers everyday.

⑤ 限制嚴格管理企業工廠的廢品廢水排放和管理 用英語怎麼說

Strict management of waste water discharge and management of enterprise factory

Strict management of waste water discharge and management of enterprise factory

⑥ 有些工廠也往水裡排放有毒的廢水用英語怎麼說

Some factories also pour waste water with posion into the river

⑦ 廢水英文怎麼說啊


⑧ 很多工廠排放很多污染環境的廢氣廢水 這句話翻譯成英文

很多工廠排放很多污染環境的內廢氣廢容水There are many factories emit exhaust gas and waste water which pollute environment.

⑨ 我們將檢查工廠排放污水情況英文

We decided to take measures to prevent this factory from pouring waste into the river

⑩ 排放污水用英語怎麼說

排放污水 : sewage effluent

. . . 香港建造業常用英文詞彙四 ...
sewage disposal 污水排放
sewage effluent 排放污水
sewage pipe 污水管 ...
Also banned is the use of roadside ditches for irrigation or drainage purposes.

2. 禁止向生活飲用水地表水源一級保護區的水體排放污水。
It is forbidden to discharge sewage into water bodies within the firstgrade surface sources protection zones for domestic and drinking water.

3. 向城市污水集中處理設施排放污水、繳納污水處理費用的,不再繳納排污費。
Those who discharge sewage to the central treatment facilities and pay the fees for sewage treatment shall be exempted from the pollutant discharge fee.



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