導航:首頁 > 廢水知識 > 簽字回傳用英語


發布時間:2021-03-27 15:45:32

1. 供方(簽字或蓋章),請確認回傳:英語怎麼寫

Please ask supplier to sign, then send it back for confirmation.

2. "敬請核對並簽署回傳" 英文什麼寫

敬請核對並簽署回傳 Please check and sign the return

3. 請簽字蓋章後回傳 英語怎麼說

Please return the signature
sign and seal; put one's signature and seal on; sign and put one's personal seal on; sign and affix one's seal
back kick; pass back

4. "請對方在合同上蓋章後回傳",怎麼用英語寫

Please return the signature 重點詞彙釋義 簽字蓋章專 sign and seal; put one's signature and seal on; sign and put one's personal seal on; sign and affix one's seal 回傳屬 back kick; pass back

5. 請簽字蓋章後回傳英語怎麼說

Please send us back the scanned after you sign and stamp.

6. 英文確認後請簽字蓋章回傳怎麼寫

Please sign and stamp when you confirm,then fax back;

7. 英文翻譯 請盡快講簽字回傳,我貨代正等著它用來報關。

Please sign and return the required document as soon as possible. Our customs agent is waiting for this document to proceed with customs clearance.

waiting for 某樣物品 to 做某件事

8. 幫忙翻譯一下「請將附件文件簽字回傳,簽字人應為貴司法人代表」

Please return the attachment after signed,and the signatory should be the legal person of your esteemed company.

9. 「請簽字蓋章後回傳」英語怎麼說

"Please sign the seal back"

10. 如果沒有問題,請簽字回傳的翻譯是:什麼意思

Should you find no problems, please sign your name and return to us.



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