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1. 我急需一篇關於污水處理的英文文章要帶譯文 希望大家幫幫忙

SBR( Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process )是一種好氧微生物污水處理技術,是連續進水、間歇排水的周期循環間歇曝氣系統。該工藝集調節、初沉、曝氣、二沉、生物脫氮等過程於一池,按不同的時間順序進行各種目的不同的操作,全部過程都在一個池體內周而復始地進行,工藝流程簡潔,布局緊湊合理,是一種先進的污水處理系統。該技術適用於處理市政生活污水和中低濃度有機工業廢水,能有效地去除廢水中BOD5和懸浮固體(SS),將廢水中的氮化合物轉成硝酸鹽,進而轉成氨氣,使出水的氨氮(NH3-N)含量大大降低。與之相比較,傳統的連續流水處理系統CFS( Continuous Flow System )是在空間上設置不同的設施而在同一時間內進行各種操作。該工藝將調節、初沉、曝氣、二沉、生物脫氮等過程設於多個池內進行,限制了反應器的功能,擴大了使用空間和佔地面積,使運行速度遲緩,空間和地面的有效利用率降低,不適應於大中城市工業廢水、生活污水和其它多種復雜環境中各種廢水處理的需要。
SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process) is one kind of good oxygen microorganism sewage treatment technology, is enters the water, the intermittent draining water cycle of motion intermittence aeration system continuously.This craft collection adjustment, initially sinks, the aeration, two sinks, processes and so on biological denitrogenation in one, carries on each kind of goal different operation according to the different time order, the complete process all again and again carries on in a cell body, the technical process is succinct, layout compact reasonable, is one kind of advanced sewage treatment system.This technology is suitable for the processing municipal administration sanitary sewage and the low concentration organic instrial waste, can remove in effectively the waste water BOD5 and suspended solid (SS), transfers the waste water in nitrogen compound the nitrate, then transfers the ammonia, causes the water leakage the ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) content to rece greatly.Compares with it, traditional continuum water disposal system CFS (Continuous Flow System) is establishes the different facility in the space to carry on each kind of operation ring the same period of time.This craft will adjust, initially sinks, the aeration, two sinks, processes and so on biological denitrogenation supposes Yu Duoge in the pond to carry on, has limited the reactor function, expanded the use space and the area, caused the running rate to be slow, spatial and the ground effective use factor reced, did not adapt in the big or media-sized cities instrial waste, the sanitary sewage and other many kinds of complex environment each kind of waste water processing need.



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