導航:首頁 > 污水知識 > 阻止工廠排放污水英語怎麼說


發布時間:2020-12-15 08:50:49

⑴ 工廠總是排放大量的污水 英語 翻譯

The factory always dischares a great deal of waste water .

⑵ 限制嚴格管理企業工廠的廢品廢水排放和管理 用英語怎麼說

Strict management of waste water discharge and management of enterprise factory

Strict management of waste water discharge and management of enterprise factory

⑶ 我們必須採取有效措施制止這家工廠排放廢水用英語怎麼說謝謝

We must take effective measures to stop this factory from mping waste water.

⑷ 政府盡力阻止工廠向河流排放污水(中翻英)

The government tried to stop the plant to the river discharge sewage

⑸ 阻止工廠排放污水用英文怎麼處理

Stop factories from discharging waste water
請採納 謝謝
Stop factories from discharging waste water

⑹ 用英語翻譯下列句子:現在人們不珍惜用水,用過的污水隨便倒,工廠到處排放污水,導致水污染嚴重。

Now people don't cherish water. They pour the used dirty water casually. The factories let out the polluted water everywhere, which leads to serious water pollution.

⑺ 我們將檢查工廠排放污水情況英文

We decided to take measures to prevent this factory from pouring waste into the river

⑻ 很多工廠排放很多污染環境的廢氣廢水 這句話翻譯成英文

很多工廠排放很多污染環境的內廢氣廢容水There are many factories emit exhaust gas and waste water which pollute environment.

⑼ 「我們的城市很擁擠並且還要很多污染,比如,汽車尾氣、工廠排放的污水等」用英語怎麼翻譯

Our city is very crowded and also has a lot of pollution, for example, exhaust, factoryemissions of sewage etc.

⑽ 人們也在減少工廠污水的排放量 英文翻譯 !!在線等!!急!!

People are also reing the factory sewage letting quantity.

污水可以翻譯成 wastewater 或者 sewage
工廠的話,翻譯成 plant 或者 factory 都沒問題

emission 主要是指光、氣之類物質的放出,用在專污屬水上並不恰當



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